Monday, August 25, 2014

Just a Note

We have an exceptional neighborhood.  We would like to welcome all the new homeowners and or renters in the Lindsey Villas.  Please give us a hello on the blog, or go and meet your neighbors with a knock on their door and introduce yourself if they haven't come to you first.

Why do I believe this is an exceptional neighborhood?
  1.  When a member of this community is having serious family health issues.  You all are there to help, listen, and pray.  We thank you for this.
  2. Well, when someone is under the weather, neighbors are helping them.  I know there is a Sunshine box that has made it's rounds and one just has to mention something to LeeAnn. 
  3. People are always willing to lend a hand
  4. No one has to be lonely here.  Just reach out to others if others haven't reached out to you.  Or, you reach out to your neighbors to make sure they are all right.  Especially if you haven't heard from them.
  5.  People say hello to everyone, what a great practice. 
  6. Remember our Dog group.  We have monthly meetings and we are having a dog park built.  The meetings are fun and you can win prizes.  Diane is the President of club and it is on the first Wednesday of every month at Eisenhower Rec center at 7 p.m.
  7. I am proud to say that dog owners in the neighborhood are picking up after their dogs.  If you see someone who isn't for what ever reason, you may want to hand them a bag.  It could be that they forgot theirs.
  8. We don't gossip.  I believe most people believe as I do, if they don't have something nice to say about others, they don't say it.  (I sometimes forget - if someone yells at me- just trying to be honest here)
  9. We do have great parties.  Lots of great cooks in the villas.
  10. Please let me hear from you:
What do you most like about living in the Lindsey Villas?


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information... I really love your blog posts... specially those on Villas In Trivandrum
